Holly Rawson, Project Manager and Business Analyst - designing creative digital solutions :: Creative problem solving for clients in the metro Washington-Baltimore area
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Curriculum Vitae

A resumé overseas is called a "CV," and it usually includes your background, education, and successes. A photo and a brief précis of your family situation might also be included.

While you won't find manypictures of me here, nor mention of my age, you will find some silly stuff about the years leading up to the time when I realized my professional endeavors might well have been predicted by my amateur pursuits and interests...

Perhaps it is ironic that I chose not to pursue writing or design as a college major -- but it was sensible. My entire life I was told by teachers and parents that 'no one makes money as a writer' and 'all artists end up starving and only famous after their deaths.'

In the late-70's era, the future for an intelligent woman was still narrowly focused upon teaching, nursing, and the like. No one could imagine the need one day for a Software Project Manager, or an Information Architect...

It is really a shame that I believed such things for so long, when in truth I have found that no one can earn a decent income who is lacking an ability to communicate, and there is absolutely no shortage of work for the creative and passionate.

Please note: this site is an archival portfolio